And as I type this blog entry, on this day finds itself a sad day in America that has entered North America into the dark ages with that Trayvon Martin verdict in the headline news. And in case you have been hiding out under a rock or have been stuck in the stone ages, this story could also seemingly have something to do with an Occupy the NRA page. And if you happen to be in that city of New York, there is a #HoodiesUp for Trayvon. Sunday 6pm ALL OUT NYC event going on at Union Square that reads:
Sunday, July 14, 2013 6:00pm in EDT
Union Square
It has been decided: black life isn’t worth shit.
Come together in force across the country tomorrow at 6pm.
Let’s not ask for justice
The clergy won’t save us
The politicians damn sure won’t save us
Take Court to the streets. 6pm Sunday 7/14.
*Check site for an updated list of events happening around the country.
And in other blaghing thoughts on this day, there is also an Occupy Music Art Show going on in that city of New York around the same time as that Union Square event, Sunday July 14th. And I know this Occupy Music Art Show is going on July 14th at 7pm in New York City because that Occupy Music photo that finds itself posted above and all of that artwork that finds itself scattered on my floor for this event says so. And ditto, that last photo that finds itself posted above, well that photo was added to this blog post a few days after that Occupy Music Art Show. And with this Travyon Martin verdict news on this day it seems as if it wants to turn this Occupy Music Art Show into an Occupy Music day of mourning. And what, if anything, does this have to do with a No Police State. Occupy Wall Street Worldwide.

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