Hey again bloggers or whoever could be reading this blagh. And on this day finds itself as Occupy Wall Street day 600 and something I think. And Occupy Wall Street and those Global Revolution of a movements Occupy Together are still moving fast. And in that latest event of events that I find myself posting on this blog every so often, Tompkins Square Park, that somewhat revolution of a park that finds itself in that neighborhood of the Lower East Side now called the East Village for real estate marketing purposes maybe, is having a Tompkins Square Park Riot: 25th Anniversary Shows: July 28, Aug. 3 + Aug. 4 show in that city of New York. And I know this show is going on in that park because I plan to sing my No Police State song at this event. Ditto.... and that photo and video from that park that find themselves posted on this blog, well they were posted on this blog after I sang that No Police State song on that riot anniversary of a day. And so that facebook event invite reads like as follows. Long Live The Bandshell. Long Live The Lower East Side. Squat the world worldwide.
A dwindling number of those in the area remember this night in August of 1988, when Community Board 3 and the NYPD's 9th Precinct swept through Tompkins Square Park, randomly assaulting and arresting park residents and passersby in an attemt to enforce a curfew on what had, over the years, become home to hundreds of individuals. Cops stormed the crowd on foot and on horseback, and police helicopters streaked across the sky. This show of force was not taken lightly, and fighting went on for hours on end. The more politically outspoken of those present decried what they claimed was a far reaching plan to bulldoze low income residents and artists out of the community, to be replaced by overprivileged, affluent individuals with no respect for the history and cultural richness of the area. Fast forward 25 years later, and what do you get? A luxury spa, directly across the street from Tompkins Square Park! And they called us delusional....
COME ON DOWN to Tompkins Square Park on Sunday, July 28, Saturday, August 3 and Sunday, August 4, 2013, to shake hands with the Ghosts of the Fallen, and with those of us who are STILL FUCKING *HERE*.
ALL THREE EVENTS START AT 2:00pm SHARP (with some accoustic performers before 2:00.)
AFTER THE SHOWS IN THE PARK, we will be hosting the following events at 7:00pm:
JULY 28:
• Bands (to be announced) at The Pyrmaid Club, 101 Avenue A)
• Films to be shown at MORUS (the Museum Of Reclaimed Urban Space), located inside C-Squat at 155 Avenue C
• Films to be shown at MORUS (the Museum Of Reclaimed Urban Space), located inside C-Squat at 155 Avenue C
• Bands (to be announced) at The Pyrmaid Club, 101 Avenue A)
• Special panel discussion on the 25th anniversary of the 1988 Tompkins Square Police Riot hosted by Norman Siegel and Frank Morales, at Theater 80, located at First Avenue + St. Marx Place
Brought to you by The Sh@dow Underground Newspaper, Chris Flash, Iconicide,Uncle Don Yippie and Those Fucking Anarchists!
1. Fever Dream (Featuring Joe Merolla of Rage Against The Machine)
2. Team Spider
3. Sexual Suicide
4. Ruckus Interruptus
5. Roger Manning
6. Transgendered Jesus
7. Sewage
1. Porno Dracula
2. Coffin Daggers (Featuring Victor of Nausea)
3. David Peel
4. ISM
5. Bambi Killers
6. Hammerbrain
1. Iconicide
2. Urban Waste
3. Nihilistics
4. Sic F*cks
5. Reagan Youth
6. Antidote
• Attorney Norman Siegel (New York City's TRUE "Public Advocate")
• Movement attorney Ron Kuby
• Movement attorney Stanley Cohen
• Radical priest Father Pat Maloney
• Penny Arcade
• Jennifer Blowdryer
• Investigative journalist/activist Paul DeRienzo
• Investigative journalist/activist Frank Morales
• Zero Boy
• Aron Kay (the "Pie Man")
• No Police State Girl
• David Huberman
• The "No 7-11 Coalition"
• Members of OCCUPY

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