And the memory of you is forgotten. Hey again bloggers or whoever could be reading this blagh. And on this day finds itself as Occupy Wall Street Day actually I'm not sure what Occupy Wall Street Day it finds itself as because Adbusters seems to have changed their homepage design, though I think it's around Occupy Wall Street Day 600 something. And Occupy Wall Street and those global revolutions of a movements Occupy Together are still moving fast, or something like that. And MORUS, the Museum of Reclaimed Urban Space is having a 2013 • 18 since 13: Marking the Eighteenth Anniversary of the Thirteenth Street Eviction event at C Squat, or is it See Squat?, Friday, May 31, 2013 7:00pm until 9:00pm in that neighborhood of the Lower East Side in New York City now called the East Village for real estate marketing purposes maybe. And I know that MORUS is having a remember 13th Street Squats event because that Facebook event invite that Times Up invited me to says so. And if I must blogger say, I remember that 13th street squat eviction clearly, very clearly, as that photo that finds itself posted above says so. And that Facebook event invite reads something like as follows. Occupy Wall Street Worldwide. Squat the world.
On May 30, 1995, the NYPD rolled an armored tank down East 13th Street, employing militaristic force to evict squatters from two buildings. Almost 18 years later to the day, authors, artists, and activists will unite to remember the resistance and celebrate what remains.
Join us for Lower East Side squat stories, slideshows, and readings by Cari Luna, Frank Morales, Fly, and Peter Spagnuolo followed by a short acoustic set by Banji (bandless).
The event will be held at the Museum of Reclaimed Urban Space (MoRUS), 155 Avenue C between 9th and 10th Streets on Friday, May 31, beginning at 7:00 PM.
There is a $5.00 - $10.00 sliding scale suggested donation. No one will be turned away for lack of funds.
Cari Luna received an MFA in fiction from Brooklyn College. Her debut novel, The Revolution of Every Day, will be published by Tin House Books in October 2013. Her short fiction has appeared in failbetter, Avery Anthology, PANK, and Novembre Magazine. New York-born, she now lives in Portland, OR.
Frank Morales, born and raised in the Jacob Riis Projects on the Lower East Side, is a squatter priest and housing rights activist. Author of Police State America (Arm the Spirit, 2002), he is currently adjunct professor at Parsons/The New School in New York City.
Fly has been a squatter on the Lower East Side since the 1980s. She has self-published numerous comics and zines since the mid-1980s and her collection entitled CHRON!IC!RIOTS!PA!SM! was published in 1998 by Autonomedia (Brooklyn). PEOPs, a collection of 196 portraits and stories, was published in June of 2003 by Soft Skull Press. Fly continues to work on the ever-expanding PEOPs Project and is working on a book – Unreal Estate; A Late Twentieth Century History of Squatting in the Lower East Side. Her band Zero Content (est.1994) is currently recording a new album. She has just released PEOPs #8 magaZine. To learn more about Fly visit
Peter Spagnuolo is a poet and ex-squatter, living in Brooklyn. He is a past recipient of poetry fellowships from the states of California and Pennsylvania and is the author of The Squatter’s Midden (2001), Ten by Fourteen (2005), Egg and Dart (2010) and the forthcoming Time’s Wiggy Chariot (2013). He co-founded the micro-power FM station Steal This Radio; the Lower East Side Squatter-Homesteader Archive Project at the NYU Bobst Library-Tamiment Collection; and the artist-book letterpress collective, BOOKLYN. He works as an exculpatory narratologist in NYC’s criminal defense industry.
155 Avenue C, New York, New York 10009

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