And on this day in North America finds itslef as Occupy Wall Street Day 550. And Occupy Wall Street and those global revolutions of a movement Occupy Together are still moving fast, well, sort of. And that google page rank update is still sending me in search of a fifth full time job when that get rich internet quick thing does not get rich internet quick. And so I find myself blaghing about a Stop Stop and Frisk event that finds itself in that city of New York on this day. And it is an event that has something to do with a We Want Justice For Kimani Gray Facebook event invite that also has something to do with an article titled Nine terrifying facts about America's biggest police force, that says something about that the NYPD has expanded into a massive global anti - terror operation with military capabilities. And it is also an article that has something to do with an Occupy the NRA Google+ page that also has something to do with guns, gun violence and a police state that could also have something to do with an Occupy Racism Facebook Page. And the text of that facebook event invite reads something like "Rally outside 1 police plaza with elected officials from Brooklyn to support police reform and stop the policy of Stop and Frisk." And what, if anything, does this have to do with a No Police State.

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