Commemorate 9/11/01 Concert: Sunday, September 9th, 2012, 2:00pm. Wombat In Combat, Comrades, Alien, Mans Gin, Atruth, Carla Npsg, David Peel. Tompkins Square Park, 7th Street Ave A, New York, New York. And from what I Carla Npsg blogger know for this event, more bands and speakers to be announced. And I think the title of that event and the history of that park speaks for itself.
Go: a community-curated open studio project : On September 8–9, 2012, from 11:00 am to 7:00 pm, artists across Brooklyn will open their studio doors, so that you can decide who will be featured in an exhibition at the Brooklyn Museum. And I just know #gobrooklynart is happening this weekend because I have received what seems like a million come look at my art in my studio emails and announcements from what seems like a bazillion different artists in a million different locations who will be showing their artwork as part of this event.
Spectra Showdown: And in case you haven't heard, some big oil company is looking to blow up the ground in New York and New Jersey to run a fracked pipeline through it, or something like that. Frack is wack.
Thursday, September 6th at 8:30am until December 31 at 10:00am
Upcoming Calendar of Events!
Join Us for an Early Morning Show of Non Violent Resistance to Spectra Pipeline Construction THURSDAY from 8:30- 11am
Expect Hijinks!
Evening Rally starts at 6pm
We will take it to the streets to Make Some Noise Against the Machines of Death
Meet at Gansevoort and Hudson River Parkway!
Sunday Afternoon Picnic Blockade Training and Teach In at the Kids Playground to the left of the Spectra Construction Site. Gansevoort and Hudson River.
Look for the Playground Pier. And the banners.
located left to the disturbing new man made island barge.
Come out! Bring Your Kids
Times Up! Bike Riders will arrive at 3:30
Picnic starts at 3pm
Bring your favorite dish!
Occupy Town Square in Washington Square Park.
Come check it out! Stop by and say hi at our table!
11 am - 5pm
Blast Perimeter Parade! Meet Up at 10am at Gansevoort and Hudson River Greenway as we march the potential blast zone, marking it with our presence. Guitarmy, OWS Puppet Guild and others will be joining us as we parade the blast zone. We will then make our way down to Foley Square for the Occupy Wall Street one year anniversary concert. Join Us!
Polar Bears on Bikes! Eco Blockade at the Museum of the American Indian! Stay tuned for details!
for a visual uprising!
10 am
Gansevoort & Hudson River.
we will rise up
against Fracking
The right of all NYC citizens to be free from a radioactive pipeline coming into our city and into our homes with our cooking & heating fuel.
Texas Gas vs. the People of NYC
Spectra, you've been warned. Get out of Town, We don't like your kind around here.
They've been laying the infrastructure and groundwork to move in. They'll be importing hydro-fractured gas (using this most toxic type of extraction method) into the West Village, thereby creating more demand for this gas, thereby creating more hydro-fractured sites across the country, including our very own upstate New York and Catskills, and thereby endangering our water supply. It looks definite that Spectra will break ground next week.
We are going to prepare ourselves to shut them down on arrival. It's Showdown time! Put on your toughest Clint Eastwood face, bring your signs, noisemakers, snacks, puppets, instruments, songs, chants and prepare to tell the dirty extraction industry, "Go ahead. Make my day."
Wear a costume! Bring a sign, an instrument, anything to help spread the word to the people most affected by this, the residents of the NYC and NJ.
The “New Jersey-New York Expansion Project” is a proposed high-pressure gas pipeline, varying in diameter from 42-30″ and slated to travel up the New Jersey shoreline, through the edge of Staten Island, under Jersey City and across the Hudson River, entering Manhattan at the Gansevoort Peninsula in the West Village. It is known more commonly by the name of its builder’s parent company, Spectra Energy.
We must take a stand to defend our communities; upstate, NYC, New Jersey, all places where hydro-fracking rears its ugly head. The gas industry thinks they can sneak in and set up shop in NY and we'll just lie there and take it while they destroy our farmland, water and air quality, expose our homes to radon and put us in a blast zone. They're dead wrong.
Monday night we follow in the footsteps of our brave climate justice comrades and we fight back. Please join us.
Gansevoort and Hudson River Greenway - You can cross over the West Side Highway at 14th St., at Horatio St. or at W.12th St. to get to the Greenway. Look for the Department of Sanitation Building, and adjacent to this is a HUGE crane. This is the site. This is Spectra Energy.
Fun Fact: Spectra Energy is excluded from regulations of the Clean Air and Clean Water Acts.
Fun Fact: Radon Gas, according to the Surgeon General, is the 2nd leading cause of Lung Cancer in the nation today.
Radon Gas is what they want to pipe into your home via your cooking and heating gas. Thanks, but no thanks!!
Location is at the end of Gansevoort St and Hudson River Greenway.
for more information on Spectra Pipeline and others planned for NYC and upstate NY, please visit this website:
Donate to the War Chest to fight this in Court:
Tell the Texas Gas Men to Frack Off!
Expect Hijinks!
Evening Rally starts at 6pm
We will take it to the streets to Make Some Noise Against the Machines of Death
Meet at Gansevoort and Hudson River Parkway!
Sunday Afternoon Picnic Blockade Training and Teach In at the Kids Playground to the left of the Spectra Construction Site. Gansevoort and Hudson River.
Look for the Playground Pier. And the banners.
located left to the disturbing new man made island barge.
Come out! Bring Your Kids
Times Up! Bike Riders will arrive at 3:30
Picnic starts at 3pm
Bring your favorite dish!
Occupy Town Square in Washington Square Park.
Come check it out! Stop by and say hi at our table!
11 am - 5pm
Blast Perimeter Parade! Meet Up at 10am at Gansevoort and Hudson River Greenway as we march the potential blast zone, marking it with our presence. Guitarmy, OWS Puppet Guild and others will be joining us as we parade the blast zone. We will then make our way down to Foley Square for the Occupy Wall Street one year anniversary concert. Join Us!
Polar Bears on Bikes! Eco Blockade at the Museum of the American Indian! Stay tuned for details!
for a visual uprising!
10 am
Gansevoort & Hudson River.
we will rise up
against Fracking
The right of all NYC citizens to be free from a radioactive pipeline coming into our city and into our homes with our cooking & heating fuel.
Texas Gas vs. the People of NYC
Spectra, you've been warned. Get out of Town, We don't like your kind around here.
They've been laying the infrastructure and groundwork to move in. They'll be importing hydro-fractured gas (using this most toxic type of extraction method) into the West Village, thereby creating more demand for this gas, thereby creating more hydro-fractured sites across the country, including our very own upstate New York and Catskills, and thereby endangering our water supply. It looks definite that Spectra will break ground next week.
We are going to prepare ourselves to shut them down on arrival. It's Showdown time! Put on your toughest Clint Eastwood face, bring your signs, noisemakers, snacks, puppets, instruments, songs, chants and prepare to tell the dirty extraction industry, "Go ahead. Make my day."
Wear a costume! Bring a sign, an instrument, anything to help spread the word to the people most affected by this, the residents of the NYC and NJ.
The “New Jersey-New York Expansion Project” is a proposed high-pressure gas pipeline, varying in diameter from 42-30″ and slated to travel up the New Jersey shoreline, through the edge of Staten Island, under Jersey City and across the Hudson River, entering Manhattan at the Gansevoort Peninsula in the West Village. It is known more commonly by the name of its builder’s parent company, Spectra Energy.
We must take a stand to defend our communities; upstate, NYC, New Jersey, all places where hydro-fracking rears its ugly head. The gas industry thinks they can sneak in and set up shop in NY and we'll just lie there and take it while they destroy our farmland, water and air quality, expose our homes to radon and put us in a blast zone. They're dead wrong.
Monday night we follow in the footsteps of our brave climate justice comrades and we fight back. Please join us.
Gansevoort and Hudson River Greenway - You can cross over the West Side Highway at 14th St., at Horatio St. or at W.12th St. to get to the Greenway. Look for the Department of Sanitation Building, and adjacent to this is a HUGE crane. This is the site. This is Spectra Energy.
Fun Fact: Spectra Energy is excluded from regulations of the Clean Air and Clean Water Acts.
Fun Fact: Radon Gas, according to the Surgeon General, is the 2nd leading cause of Lung Cancer in the nation today.
Radon Gas is what they want to pipe into your home via your cooking and heating gas. Thanks, but no thanks!!
Location is at the end of Gansevoort St and Hudson River Greenway.
for more information on Spectra Pipeline and others planned for NYC and upstate NY, please visit this website:
Donate to the War Chest to fight this in Court:
Tell the Texas Gas Men to Frack Off!
And the list of events goes on and on.... Occupy Wall Street Worldwide.

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