Hey again bloggers, or whoever could be reading this blagh. And unless you have been stuck in the stone age or hiding out underneath one of those rocks, you may have heard by now that those global revolutions of a movements Occupy Wall Street and Occupy Together are happening. And Occupy Wall Street is having an Occupy Wall Street May Day 2012 General Strike May 1st Day. Workers of the world unite. No Housework. No Banking. No Shopping. No School. No work. And there seems to be a bazillion #M1GS occupy May Day everywhere events and beyond. And one of those occupy everything everywhere on May Day Facebook event invites that I came across throughout my internet travels reads as follows. And what, if anything, does this have to do with a No Police State.
May Day 2012
May 1 at 9:00am until May 5 at 9:00am
No work, No housework, No school, Shut the city down!
Join us in the streets:
• 8am-4pm: Midtown action staging zone in Bryant Park.
•Bryant Park will be the site of a fun and friendly "Pop-up Occupation", featuring:
Free food, a free market, free services, skillshares, workshops, teach-ins, speak outs, public art, performances, discussions, and trainings.
• This will be a staging area for actions in midtown all day: creative disruptions, bank blockades, outreach to commuters and tourists, and more!
•4pm: March to Union Square for solidarity rally with labor unions, students, faith & community groups, and the immigrant justice coalition: an historic convergence of the entire 99%.
•530pm: All of us join for a solidarity march from Union Square to Wall St.
•7pm: March to staging area for evening actions
For more information visit: http://www.maydaynyc.org/

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