And so looking at that Gregorian calendar on the wall, that holiday or workers of the world unite day of a May 1st day to be observed seems to be tomorrow. And so in other thoughts, that topic about an Arizona law and a California immigration debate seems to be in the news a lot lately. So much that it seems to be the headline of the day. And it seems to have something to do with people being able to travel freely, populations and an illegal immigrant law in Arizona or California. And shouldn't people be able to travel freely in the world anywhere? And so I came across this event as one of those facebook events in my facebookaholicness where part of it reads something like a rally as follows:
"Do I Look "Illegal" Day
Location: everywhere
In defiance of the new bill in Arizona and in support of the Arizona citizens who will face harassment every time they step out their doors, the call is out for everyone to ask the question: "Do I look "illegal?" during the week of May 1st to May 8th. The focus is on raising awareness on the day of May 1st but by the overwhelming response, putting out this message is extending for the rest of the week.
Post the question as your status on Facebook. Throughout the day, send the question out on Twitter. Ask one another the question, "Do I look illegal?" Hopefully, this will get all of us thinking and discussing what exactly does "illegal" look like..
Finally, wear shirts, buttons or hold signs saying, "Do I look 'illegal'?" and take pictures to either send the Governor of Arizona and/or post them here..
NEW INFO: If you're in SF, there will be the usual May Day March supporting immigrant workers. This year the protest will take place on Saturday, May 1, 2010, assembling at noon at 24th and Mission streets in San Francisco, joining other May Day protests in New York, Los Angeles, Detroit, and many other cities. Show up, wear your Do I Look 'Illegal?' shirts, buttons etc..
This idea was initially from my roommate over a conversation the other night. Then I saw that a t-shirt was being sold that had the same message. So it made sense to take it a next step and share the idea of a "Do I Look 'Illegal?'" Day with my FB family and friends..
And this facebook event has 77,153 confirmed guests and a host of comments to go along with it.. Wow! Is that a record for a facebook event invite? And so I thought to repost the following posts that I have posted on this blog before some time a while ago that have something to do with humanity travelling freely.
The Passport
For what reason is the number of that passport immigration law that prohibits freedom of travel amongst humanity anywhere on planet earth, and that Section 666 Social Security Act, cashless society, national I.D., the number of your name to receive any state services and everything else in between thing, 666? Is this that save no man that he may buy or sell except that he have the mark of the beast thing in the book of Revelations. Is this written in prophecy somewhere. Did George Orwell or Nostradamus predict this? Is that a coincidence or on purpose that this law has the same number of that beast thing. And who or what is the beast, and what is that mark on ones right hand or forehead. What does that mark represent or mean, if anything. And what's up with that UPC bar code photo that I placed in this blog entry. And for what reason do all universal product codes contain this number. What the heck does that mean? Is that the number of the beast, the number of man? And what's that New World Order, Verichip and RFID tag thing all about. Big Brother, Brave New World and technology are here and that's a whole another blog posting. And I have heard so many green card immigration nightmare stories about green card marriages, lotteries and green card everything else in between. Of people leaving a country and not being able to return for whatever reason. And the stories of loss of life while crossing a border, whether by land or sea. And for what reason are there boarders, divisions, restrictions, barriers and territories of land in this world. And for what reason are people not free to travel anywhere in the world without the permission of someone else. Who invented this concept. Is it possible to undo this passport, visa, citizenship, where are your papers to come here law so that everyone can be free to travel anywhere in this world. For what reason does this concept exist. And who is a foreigner. Aren't we all strangers in this land. Is another world possible. No one is free when others are oppressed. It is Sunday today, day of God, a day of rest. Or is that Saturday, the Sabbath, Sabado. And what does this have to do with a No Police State?
and then this one also....
And on this day is Sunday, that sabbath day of rest, or is that Saturday. And yet I find myself blah blogging away for some reason on this blog. And for some reason that verse from the bible comes to mind, "Foxes have holes, and birds of the air have nests; but the Son of man hath not where to lay his head". And that other verse, "A brother is born for adversity". And a friend mentions to me that war is a business. Is war a business? And is it George Orwell's statement from that nineteen eighty four movie, the war is not meant to be won, it is meant to be continuous. And another friends mentions that another friend has been denied entry to that country of the United States, or deported from a country for various reasons. And what does that word immigration mean, to migrate, to travel? Does that internet bible dictionary Wikipedia have an entry for that. And I have heard horror stories of whole families being separated, destroyed and torn apart from this idea of Immigration And Naturalization Services, INS company that seems to be some form of modern day slavery to me. And what about those visas, green cards, forms, applications, petitions, employment, interviews, Department of Homeland Security, U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services, residence alien from outer space, illegal aliens, refugee, asylee, settlement, immigrant, nonimmigrant, genealogy, nationality, naturalization things. What does this all mean. Are we all not foreigners and strangers in this land. The whole idea that one can prevent another from travelling freely from one place to another on this planet of earth I can not comprehend. And has humanity become slave to computers, that modern invention of technology, to where one is no longer a human, but becomes a robot to technology, a machine, some sort of beast like thing. No one is free when others are oppressed. And what does this have to do with a No Police State?

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