And it seems as if the only thing constant is change. Some stories do not end as you expect and everything happens for a reason. And it is the grim reaper that people seem to be born to die and some are cursed at birth and one can only play with the cards they are dealt with. And so those are some of philosophies of life I find myself thinking on this day. And so after my ears are ringing from everyones cell phone chatter of their life stories along the way, I am finding myself in this City of New York again. And there was a rainbow over the sky over that place that is called "The Melting Pot" that day. And I guess it was from the clouds and the sun that come together as one. And for what reason is this place called a melting pot anyway. Is it a pot that melts in some sort of way. And I think it is one of those synonyms of a place of all existing nationalities in one place, maybe. And after having travailled on one of those travelling tours as one of those tourists attempting to blog their vacation, I am now finding myself able to post those photos that I took as one of those blogaholic bloggers blogging their vacations. And those above photos are of the Kansas City Missouri area and their tourists sites they have around that town. And there seem to be a lot of photos that I attempted to post in this post. And Kansas City, Missouri seems to be a city of jazz, bar b que and fountains. And some of those photos above are of a city of fountains to be found throughout that town, and of the historic 18th and Vine jazz district, mostly known for where Charlie Parker, that well known jazz musician grew up and lived. And now the American Jazz Museum is located there on 18th and Vine, along with the Blue Room, a jazz club with live music, The Black Archives of Mid America and the Negro Leagues Baseball Museum. And is that a statue of Charlie Parker, and an artist sculpture rendering of Billie Holiday in those photos above? And there is a current exhibition in that Jazz Museum at the moment titled "381 Days", that is a photo history of the Montgomery Alabama bus boycott story during the civil rights movement era. And this exhibition is dedicated to the memory of Mrs. Rosa L. Parks. And Gates and Sons and Authur Bryants Bar Be que are to be found in that city also. And I also found myself at some cemetary looking at headstones of the deceased for some reason. And this citys inner city ghetto seems to be reeling in the midst of a crack epidemic and crime runs rampant as if it is the wild wild west. And what is the wild, wild west anyway. And the daily and nightly news seems to be devoted to crime, crime and more crime. And what would happen if no one died there or anywhere today, tomorrow or thereafter, would the media and the death industry be out of a job. As it seems as if it is a vicious cycle of a beast that feeds upon itself. And guns are the worst invention of an industry ever. If only guns could be abolished from every human being on the face of planet earth. And this city seems to be one of Americas cities that have become war torn zones suffering from what seems like a silent curfew, where there are no bars, clubs or nightlife entertainment to be found. Most every building seems to be boarded up and the only thing open are payday loan stores, liquor stores and churches, and one usually hides behind closed doors after dark. And the only advertisements and billboards to be found seem to be for gun shops and gun expos. And most every venue has a "No firearms, weapons or guns allowed on this property" sign posted on their entrance. And there seems to be entertainment and personal services further out into the surburbs of those who have left the inner city. And people have taken to srtipping light poles and air conditioners for copper, metal and money. And if and when one sees a polizei police person or any other official standing next to them with a gun, here, there or anywhere, does one ignore that person and their weapon as if that person has no intent to harm another. Is one supposed to pretend as if one could not lose their life at any given moment, for any given reason, by that person and their weapon standing next to them if they were to use their gun at any given time. No one is free when others are oppressed, Is there hope for the world and society. Where is the world headed. Peace on earth and goodwill to all mankind. And what does this have to do with a No Police State? Have a great travelling day.

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