There it is in the news again today. Again, I could cut and paste my blog entries over and over in my appeal to banish guns from every human being on the face of planet earth and to end the use of the images of guns in all forms of advertising, marketing, film and television as I have written in blog posts of the past. Does not advertising influence society. Guns are the worst invention of an industry ever. The am New York had an interesting statistic in an article titled "Guns and people"; there are nine guns for every ten people in the United States, a scary statistic. And The Villager has interesting statistics in an article titled ""Lower East Siders blast back against gun violence", New Yorkers Against Gun Violence, told a forum that 30,000 people a year are killed in gun violence nationally. And yet another person has lost their life to gun violence, and everyday someone loses their lives to acts of gun violence for whatever reason and no reason at all except for the fact that guns have been invented. It is a story that has been told in yesterdays headlines and will be told in tomorrows headlines with no end in sight. It is an industry that feeds on itself, advertisement and sensational nationalism breeds crime which breeds news, which breeds crime, which breeds more advertisement which breeds more crime. Will the cycle of the beast that has it's grip on humanity ever end. Should not guns be abolished from humanity as a whole, from everyone on the face of planet earth. And then there is that constitutional 4th amendment, the right to bear arms that should be abolished or rewritten to abolish guns and replace them with sticks and stones or something. The idea that property, material goods are worth more than life. And the whole world is paying with the loss of human life which seems to be a disposal commodity in the war industry of people against humanity. Are the slaughters of wars debasing the value of human life? Will the beast, who or whatever it is, ever release it's grip on mankind? Are the standards of social behavior declining? Is there a worldwide moral breakdown? Is society collapsing? Where is the world headed, is there hope? And one could turn the page of the newspaper and forget about these stories and daily atrocities of the world, yet they still exist. I am one voice, one blogger. If only it were possible to go back in time before guns existed. Is another world possible. Peace on earth and goodwill to all mankind. And what does this have to do with a No Police State?

You're right in an ideal world but there is the pesky problem of the state disarming the citizenry now so they can't fight back at the police state. It's all quite cynical.
1984 is coming soon and the citizens are the victims.
Yo to the Lower East side. I'd love to know about the sector where you live.
AH, what a conundrum.
Our Constitution was written at a time when the framers could not possibly have foreseen what a mess we have made of things.
The Supreme Court, by their rulings, has made of mockery of bestjustice and has also bastardized the Constitution to no end. We might as well use it for toilet paper.
If all the guns in the whole world were to miraculously vanish tomorrow, it still wouldn't solve the problem. People would still be killing each other, be it with their bare hands, clubs, knives, bombs, etc.
The problem, as I see it, is that we no longer have any sense of morality, brotherly love, nor the wish to help others. We have become a society of 'me' rather than 'we'. As long as I got mine, the rest of you can get stuffed. (I know that's a broad statement, yes, there are people who care.)
I wish I had the answer,but I don't. I'll just keep on being the best person I can be and realize that we are all striving to do the same.
Factoid - The erroneous publication in 1888 of a premature obituary of Alfred Nobel by a French newspaper, condemning him for his invention of dynamite, is said to have brought about his decision to leave a better legacy after his death. The obituary stated - Le marchand de la mort est mort - ("The merchant of death is dead") and went on to say, "Dr. Alfred Nobel, who became rich by finding ways to kill more people faster than ever before, died yesterday."
Thus we have the "Nobel Peace Prize."
How ironic.
Here's hoping we can all get along.
i like this question - but I think that this question is something where the answer is truly beyond anyone's ability to attain. For you are not dealing with humanity per se, you are dealing with evolution. Gun's are an inevitable evolutionary design of a human's imagination, as we are an evolutionary design ourselves from single celled ameobas. People and guns have been inveitable since the dawn of time. And you're so right - why even read the newspaper - you already know exactly what it's going to say - you've read the same story oh so many times before. if you really want to understand the nature of this problem you have to first be prepared to view it in a way you have never done so before. Do it from the perspective of evolution. If you humour me, I will elaborate.
Ask yourself, why do people feel the need to believe in religion?? (And no - I'm not going off topic here - stay with me). I'm sure there are very many answers I could hear, but I'm sure the one I wouldn't hear, is because evolution dambed well designed it so. Don't worry, I usually get jaw dropping reactions at this point - the next logical question to this is "Why? Why did evolution design in humans a need to believe in God". It starts to get a little dark now. For the question I now ask is, "since man has lived with the invention of God and religion, what has been the singular most consistent result of that, common through out the ages??" - Usually a lot of responses, but occaisionally people will nail it, and say "War". Correct people, War. Conflict - it's not even necessary to blame it all on god. Just look around, tribalism, gang warfare, racialism, etc.. pretty much anything that ends in ism, and concerns uncompatible differences between two groups. It seems that humans simply cannot tolerate differences. They are compelled to have to dominate, with one difference over another, and truces are only established when both differences are of equal power. Anyway, now i'm digressing. So now you can see that evolution designed us to believe in religion - it created in us the need to believe - it's part of our genetic programming - something we are compelled to follow ( because most people simply are unable to back away, and see the wood from the trees - they can't handle living in a world where no god actually exists - what would the point of life be then?) Our brain is a super computer, running on some archaic super software - we all act as programmed - But why you ask would evolution create a need to believe in relgion god? Well you've already answered that - War - and what are wars good for, - Population control. You see, we have an inbuilt design in us, that acts as a human safety valve, whenever our human populations become too large, then our numbers are thinned down by natural causes, illness, sickness, disease, natural disasters, hurricanes ,tornados - WAR - it's just one more guarantee, that our human numbers are controlled to sustainable levels and therefore keeps the overall population healthy just like animal colonies. See most people that believe in religion, think we've somehow left our animal realm behind, and we are now superior to it. But evolution puts this falsehood firmly in place. And when you look at evolution, what is the thing it does better then anything - the sole purpouse of it??? Weapon design - constantly designing more and more advanced top predators - it truly is survival of the fittest out there - so stop your babbling about all guns are bad - they are inevitable - they are here to stay, and people are just going to have to die - this is just the way it has to be. Take care all.
and go on - I'd actually love you to ask me - What is the meaning of life?
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驚險摩托車秀HAPPY TOWN 兼差價值韓幣12000元):表演者以機車為主,靈活的玩弄, 打工全世界只有兩組特技人員能做的高難度表演,在一個小時的演出中還有空中飛人﹑民俗雜技和大車輪 台北酒店經紀等表演,保證讓您大呼過隱,不虛此行喝花酒 特技令人嘖嘖稱奇。而享譽全球的國寶級亂打秀(價值韓幣45000元),是韓國人獨創的敲擊樂表演,故事的場景是發生在廚房中,因此所謂的樂器就是就地以鍋碗等廚房交際應酬 用具敲 打出澎湃的節奏。在沒有冷場的過程裡,不需要語言您就可以清楚知道劇情粉味的發展,台上演員還會與台下觀眾互動演出,整場歡笑不斷。
去過的旅客都津津樂道的酒店喝酒韓文化生活體驗營」,讓您親手體驗泡菜製作,穿著傳統韓服更能體驗韓國婦女的優雅!另外,精緻好吃的韓國美食當然也不能 酒店不嚐:鮑魚太極人蔘雞、長壽麵、、黑毛豬烤肉、還有獨家特色餐「?花魚定食+五花肉+鐵板馬肉+?料」「生猛海鮮大餐」等等讓人食指大動。酒店經紀酒店經紀酒店兼差酒店打工酒店上班酒店經紀酒店小姐酒店打工酒店兼差 酒店工作> 彩妝指甲彩繪口紅彩妝馬甲美白
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