Sunday, March 18, 2007
Just Say Hi - Free Dating Site
I still need a date sometimes, and I am still always looking to meet new friends. The internet has forever changed the online dating world and now JustSayHi, http://www.justsayhi.com/vs/yahoo has made it a whole lot easier. Looking for relationships gets tiresome sometimes running around to bars all the time trying to meet people. I really dig JustSayHi.com because I keep going back to their site. The fact that a free online dating website exists is overwhelming to me and I can hardly comprehend it. Yahoo Personals are okay, but why pay money to meet new friends when you can meet just as great friends for free? JustSayHi, http://www.justsayhi.com/vs/yahoo has all the same features as Yahoo Personals and you don't even need a credit card and that is such a hassle for me having to pay to use a dating site with a credit card. With no credit card required, all one has to do is sign up and start meeting people. I can try all the different dating sites but when it comes to money, with JustSayHi I don't even have to think about it and their site seems so much funner and easier to use than all of the rest, and there are a lot of dating sites out there, some better than others. At justsayhi.com their site works great. I could say http://www.justsayhi.com/vs/yahoo is the best all time free dating site. This site makes a great alternative to paid online dating. It is just as great as any other paid dating website. Have a great day.

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Hi, Just dropping you a 'hi' :) Just say hi hehehee...
Hey it was really nice of you to give that dating site a review for free! I've seen about eight or ten blogs in the past couple of days that got paid to write about and link to it, through one of those paid-to-post companies. You must really like the site - maybe they'd give you a little reward for the link "after the fact"!
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